Six Figures in School Hours

Six Figures in School Hours


Most parents don' t want to build a global empire or make a gazillion dollars a year. They just want to earn a decent income and have time to read their kids a bedtime story without having a meltdown in the process.Yes, we know running a business can be rewarding. However, it can also seep into every life crack, eat up your energy and leave you exhausted, stressed and snapping at your small humans.In Six Figures in School Hours, award-winning digital marketing coach and business mentor Kate Toon shares practical and doable tips for parents to run a successful business, make serious money and not burn themselves to a frazzle in the process.First, you will examine your business goals and measure your ‘ why' against your desires for family life; then, discover passive income ideas and ways to involve the family in your business life in an enjoyable way; finally, find out how to turn that six-figure profit dial up or down depending on the compromises you' re willing to make.Six Figures in School Hours is a smart, honest business self-help book that gives you the skills, tools and confidence to never again need to choose between a successful business and a happy family life.

Autor oder AutorinKate Toon
Sprecher oder SprecherinKate Toon